A loving, growing church winning the lost through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit with a desire to become a unified body of loving believers and a desire to raise up ministry gifts according to the will of God.
A growing church winning the lost through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit with a desire to become a unified body of loving believers and a desire to raise up ministry gifts according to the will of God.
A growing church winning the lost through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit with a desire to become a unified body of loving believers and a desire to raise up ministry gifts according to the will of God.
3102 Tilghman Rd N, Wilson, NC 27896
Feel free to use our Online Bible
Watch Past Services
Sunday School……….….9:30am
Morning Worship……….10:30am
Kidz Church…………….10:30am
Evening Worship ……..….6:00pm
Teen Youth Group Study…6:00pm